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December 2023
A Technology Filled Day in the Life of a Dermatologist
By - Dr. Sejal Saheta
Dermatology Tech Day.

The first medical devices and tools can be traced back to the Neolithic period around 700 BC. Since then, the need of human beings to improve the quality and span of our lives has ensured the early adoption of technology to this field. It is now in such a state that every facet of a visit to a doctor’s clinic is flush with technology. I have been a practicing dermatologist for more than a decade and find that I need to keep up with the changes in medical technology on almost a constant basis.

Technology in medical interactions

My day starts with an app that tells me exactly how many appointments are scheduled today and which is generally followed by messages on a messaging platform from the clinic about patients who may need attention between last night and this early morning. In addition to this, even while I was sleeping patients took appointments for the following days in the middle of the night, thanks to an automated appointment booking system.

This is often followed by a few online appointments, where patients are able to connect with me over the internet for a detailed conversation aided by video and images thanks to the proliferation of mobile technology.

So far so good.

But then, through my consultations (whether online or offline) I do meet half doctors on a fairly regular basis. There is a lot of information available online which my patients often mistake for knowledge. While often frustrating for doctors, information availability is one of the most important aspects of progress in medical sciences, where patients and doctors alike are a lot more informed and aware.

Heading to the clinic I find patients checking their information in a medical record system that digitizes their basic information and all my observations about their medical history and the line of treatment.

The hospital of tomorrow is here

The spread of technology into surgery and therapy has been very rapid in the last decade. You can imagine absolutely any single technology and you will practically find it in a hospital somewhere. To give you an idea, here are some thoughts for you:

  1. Computer aided modelling and 3d printing finds its way into the modeling and build-up of custom-made teeth, custom made body joints, and so on.
  2. Optical Enhancements and Medical Imaging: No modern surgery is now possible without a serious optical enhancement or imaging of some nature. These could be endoscopes that help doctors see deeper into your body or imaging systems that take scans of your body that your age-old x-ray would never ever be able to.
  3. Robotics: Robot aided surgery is now becoming a fairly routine thing. Everything from a simple hair transplant to a neuro surgery can be done with the help of robots.

The engineered molecules you call medicines

When we think of technology we often forget that the most amount of technology in medical science nowadays lies in the medicines, therapeutics, and vaccines that are administered in billions of doses every day. Some of these medicines are now so amazingly advanced that they can target only a specific type of cell in your body or cause an extremely specific response in your body. All of this has been possible thanks to technologies like genetic sequencing, Artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

Back at the clinic

Amongst the patients scheduled in a day, there are some patients who will need to be treated with therapeutic machines using a variety of technology

  1. Lasers: Your dermatologist’s office now probably has more lasers than people. There are a variety of lasers and other light stimulation devices that we at our clinic use. These can have technical names like Q -Switched Nd Yag Laser, Pico Second Lasers, Intense pulse lights, and so on. These light stimulation devices aid people with a variety of issues ranging from cosmetic needs like skin rejuvenation and hair reduction to more dermatology-oriented issues like vitiligo.
  2. Ultrasound Based Devices: Another popular device you may find in your dermatologist’s clinic is some form of an ultrasound device that can help with issues like wrinkles, lines, skin laxity, etc.

Thermal Energy Devices: These are devices that produce targeted heat under the skin to help with issues like skin rejuvenation etc.

These technologies are in no way a complete list of technologies in play in medical sciences. These are merely examples to help understand that technological evolution is not a choice but just a constant fact of life. And while there may be definite pitfalls along the way, there is no denying that technology holds the key for a far richer human existence.


The objective of this article is to educate the reader and help them make wiser choices under the guidance of a trained dermatologist. It is not meant to be used by patients for self-diagnosis or for avoiding proper medical treatment. The images used in the above blog are only for visual representation purposes. Actual procedures and results may vary from patient to patient.

About Dr. Sejal Saheta and InUrSkn:

Built on more than a decade of experience of Dr. Sejal Saheta, we are an honest and affordable skin and hair care clinic in Powai, Mumbai. Our goal is to make each patient comfortable and happy with their appearance with the least amount of intervention.

Dr. Sejal Saheta has dual degrees of MD and DNB in dermatology and venereology and has worked alongside some of the senior-most doctors at the largest hospitals in Mumbai.

Located in Powai, InUrSkn is the largest skin and hair clinic in the central suburbs of Mumbai and offers the latest technology in the safety of world-class infrastructure.

We are happy to be a part of your journey to reach your health goals. If you think we have been able to help you, please do review us:

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How can Dr. Sejal and InUrSkn help?

No matter what your skin and hair needs, Dr Sejal Saheta ensures personal attention to each patient and creates customized and scientifically-backed treatment plans for each patient. Through her years of experience and use of technology at her clinic (InUrSkn – Skin and Hair Clinic) located in Powai, Mumbai, she has been able to consistently deliver great results in the field of dermatology and trichology to thousands of patients. All of the above is done with the best-in-class machines within the comfort and safety of world-class infrastructure.

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