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InUrSkn is more than just a skin a hair and body clinic. It is Dr. Sejal's promise of providing minimal intervention patient care which is holistic, personalized and humane.

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Can your skin become soft and smooth

like a baby?

What can We
help with?

Dry & Dull Skin

Dry and dull skin is often characterized by a lack of moisture and a rough or flaky texture, which may be accompanied by premature lines and a lacklustre appearance. This condition can arise from environmental factors, or it may be chronic for some individuals. Adequate skincare routine including gentle products and professional dermatological procedures like Iontophoresis or Hydrafacial can significantly improve the skin’s moisture levels and overall appearance.

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Open Pores

Open pores are enlarged facial oil pores that are primarily a result of excessive sebum production and other factors like dirt and aging. They are not only aesthetically unpleasing but also lead to various skin issues like acne. Managing open pores involves a regimen of keeping them clean, promoting cellular turnover, and in some cases, reducing hair growth through the pores, using both at-home skincare routines and professional dermatological procedures.

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Lax or Sagging Skin

Lax or sagging skin occurs due to various factors like reduced hydration, fat levels, and vital proteins like elastin and collagen. Aging, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices like smoking further exacerbate this condition. Though inevitable to some extent, a dedicated skincare routine and professional treatments can significantly improve skin elasticity, helping to combat the sagging and rejuvenate the skin’s appearance.

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Scarring of Skin

Scarring is a natural part of the body’s healing process following an injury, where the skin repairs itself by forming collagen and elastin fibers. However, this repair often leaves behind scar tissue that has a different texture and appearance. Various factors like the type of injury, location, and individual’s health determine the scar’s characteristics. Various treatments like Microneedling and Chemical Peels can be effective in minimizing scar appearance, helping to regain a smoother skin texture.

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Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, or striae, are linear scars that occur when the skin is rapidly stretched or contracted, leading to damaged connective tissues and alterations in collagen and elastin fibers. Initially red or pink, they fade to a white or silvery appearance over time. Common during pregnancy, puberty, or significant weight changes, these marks often appear on the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, or back. Treatments like Microneedling and CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing can aid in improving the skin’s texture by promoting collagen and elastin remodeling.

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What determines the skin's
texture & elasticity

Skin texture in general is the result of how well skin has been cared for over years. Things like environmental exposure to sun and pollution and lifestyle choices like smoking, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise etc. all adversely affect the health of your skin.

In addition, any form of trauma to the skin like skin infections or accidents can damage the skin substantially.

Lastly and most importantly the performance or health of the skin is heavily influenced by genetics and constitution.

Skin Rejuvenation procedures all aim to correct defects and problems caused on the skin because of above factors.

Some Precautions to Maintain a
Healthy Skin

Below are some general guidelines to help maintain good skin texture and elasticity over a period of time:

– Effects of sun exposure and even pollution are best minimized by use of sunscreens

– One should actively works towards improving their skin and overall health by getting adequate exercise, sleep and relaxation.

– One should also avoid damages to their health due to dietary choices or due to engaging in activities like smoking and drinking.

– Establishing a proper daytime and night time skin care routine with the help of your dermatologist which includes but is not limited to hydration, collagen generation and control of melanin formation can help substantially.

More about
Skin Texture & Elasticity

While most of us feel that our skin may turn dry temporarily because of exposure to dry weather or dry air of air conditioning, some patients suffer from almost chronically dry skin. This is best described as below:

– Dry and parched looking skin

– Brittle and lustreless appearance of the skin

– Visible rough patches and flakiness

– Premature lines and wrinkles on the skin, which look more pronounced on dry skin

– Taut, stretched and itchy skin

Caring for such skin needs to have more than just a good moisturizer. One must consider the below things:

– Use Gentle Skin care Products (avoid dehydrating ingredients in the skin care products like vitamin c derivatives and retinoids)

– Moisturize with a product that not only improves the barrier function of the skin, but also helps moisturize the deeper layers of the skin.

– Do not exfoliate your skin without the consent of a dermatologist

– Use lukewarm water for bathing and cleaning

– Protect yourself from the sun by using sunscreen and clothes and accessories to cover yourself.

– Avoid any spa or salon treatments on your skin.

– Avoid consumption of coffee, alcohol etc. which dehydrate you.

– Keep yourself hydrated through the day

The procedures that work best to moisturize and revitalize the skin are as below:

1. Ionization Therapy (Iontophoresis)

2. Hydrafacial

3. Dermal Fillers

4. HA Injections

5. Custom Medical Facials

Contributing factors can include environmental elements, inadequate hydration, harsh skincare products, or certain medical conditions.

Dry and dull skin can accentuate the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, making individuals appear older.

Symptoms include flaky texture, itching, rough patches, and a taut or stretched appearance.

Utilizing gentle skincare products, moisturizing regularly, and avoiding dehydrating substances like alcohol can be beneficial.

Treatments like Hydrafacial, ionization therapy, and dermal fillers can help restore moisture and vitality to the skin.

It’s essential to moisturize at least twice daily or as advised by a dermatologist to maintain hydration.

Exfoliation can remove dead skin cells but should be done cautiously under professional guidance to avoid further dryness or irritation.

Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and staying hydrated can support skin health.

Yes, sun exposure can exacerbate dryness and cause further dullness. It’s crucial to use sunscreen and protective clothing.

Products with harsh chemicals, alcohol, or dehydrating ingredients like certain Vitamin C derivatives and retinoids should be avoided.

Pores are nothing but the openings of ducts on the surface of the skin. There are two types of pores on the body.

The first ones are responsible for carrying the oil or the sebum to the surface of the skin. Sebum is nothing but a fluid produced by your skin consisting of mainly lipids (fats) and proteins. These pores are present all over your body except on your palms and soles.

The second type of pores are the ones which allow you to sweat. These are present all over your body.

When people talk about enlarged or open pores they generally refer to the oil pores. These oil pores also carry the hair follicles.

Normal functioning of sebaceous pores is to discharge the sebum on the surface of the skin and keep the skin moisturized. However when these pores malfunction they tend to get clogged with sebum (oil), dirt and dead skin cells leading to large pores or enlarged pores or open pores as they are called.

The best mechanisms to help reduce the size of the pores consists of the following three strategies:

a. By keeping the pores clean and non clogged

b. By enhancing cellular turnover and hence causing the skin to firm up and contract.

c. By reducing hair growth through the pores

In addition to the aesthetic appearance of looking enlarged or open blocked pores are also responsible for almost all acne issues like whiteheads, blackheads, milia etc. Ensuring that the skin is correctly (gently) exfoliated and cleaned is very essential to good skin hygiene.

The best way to keep a check on the size of your pores at home is as below:

1. Clean your face at least twice a day with a gentle cleanser.

2. Enhance cellular turnover with use of skin care products that have ingredients like retinoids (retinol) or mild AHA and BHA (alpha and beta hydroxy acids).

3. Protect your skin from any form of damage because of sun exposure or acne etc.

4. Moisturize the skin regularly.

To keep the pores clean the below procedures are very effective:

1. Skin Polishing (Microdermabrasion)

2. Medical Skin Cleanup

To increase cellular turnover and tighten your skin:

1. Microneedling (Skin Resurfacing)

2. CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

3. HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound)

4. Vampire Facial (PRP Facial)

5. Chemical Peels

To reduce hair growth permanently:

1. Laser Hair Removal

Excessive sebum production, accumulation of dirt, and aging can lead to open pores.

Open pores can get clogged with sebum, dirt, and dead skin cells, leading to whiteheads, blackheads, and other acne forms.

Regular cleansing, using retinoids or mild AHA and BHA, sun protection, and moisturizing can help manage open pores.

Treatments like Microdermabrasion, CO2 Fractional Laser, and Chemical Peels can help reduce the size and appearance of open pores.

With consistent care and professional treatments, it’s possible to significantly reduce the appearance of open pores.

Hair follicles reside in oil pores; excessive hair growth can enlarge pores and may require laser hair removal for management.

Oily and combination skin types are usually more prone to experiencing open pores due to higher sebum production.

Yes, sun damage can lead to loss of skin elasticity, making open pores appear more pronounced.

Gentle exfoliation can remove dead skin cells and excess oil, preventing pore clogging, but should be done cautiously.

Avoiding skin-irritating substances like alcohol, and harsh chemicals can prevent further enlargement of pores.

Sagging or skin is a complex phenomenon that has multiple factors at work. Some of these include:

a. Reduction in the hydration levels (moisture) in the skin.

b. Reduction in levels of fat under the skin as we age or as we lose weight.

c. Shifting of fat pads under the skin as we age or lose weight.

d. Reduction in bone density and the associated bone loss.

e. Reduction in Levels of Elastin and Collagen, the fundamental proteins that form the structure of the skin.

While a lot of the above factors are inevitable with ageing, these fatcors get aggravated by certain aspects like:

a. Premature Ageing of skin caused by cummulative effects of sun exposure over a period of time.

b. Premature ageing of skin caused by smoking and consuming oxidative food products like tea, coffee etc.

c. Bone density loss caused by reduced calcium levels

d. Constant exposure to pollution, dust and other environmental factors like dry cold weather or airconditioning.

e. Constant exposure of the skin to hot water during bathing etc.

A healthy at home skin care routine can go a long way in helping maintain the elasticity of the skin. Your skin care routine should ensure the following:

1. Effective hydration of the skin with a great moisturizer.

2. Protection from Sun Damage with sunscreen and physical protection.

3. Stimulation of New Skin Cell generation using ingredients like retinoids, AHA, BHA etc.

In addition you should pay attention to your diet such as increasing antioxidants in your diet and also reduce skin damaging activities such as smoking.

The most effective procedures to help improve skin elasticity are:

1. Microneedling (Skin Resurfacing)

2. CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

3. HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound)

4. Vampire Facial (PRP Facial)

5. Chemical Peels

6. Skin Polishing (Microdermabrasion)

7. Hydrafacial

8. HA Injections

9. Dermal Fillers

10. BTX

Aging, sun damage, and lifestyle factors like smoking and poor nutrition contribute to the reduction of elastin and collagen.

The loss of fat diminishes the skin’s support structure, leading to a saggy appearance.

Yes, a nutritious diet rich in antioxidants can support skin health and mitigate sagging.

Ingredients like retinoids, AHA, BHA, and hyaluronic acid can promote skin elasticity and hydration.

Sun exposure causes premature aging, reducing skin’s elasticity and leading to sagging.

Treatments like Microneedling, CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing, and HIFU are effective in improving skin elasticity.

Smoking accelerates skin aging by reducing blood supply and nutrients to the skin, leading to sagging.

Yes, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, sun protection, and a diligent skincare routine, the onset can be delayed.

Bone density loss reduces the structural support, causing the skin to sag and wrinkle.

Hydrafacial cleanses, exfoliates, and infuses skin with intensive serums, improving hydration and elasticity.

When you injure your skin, the body reacts to it by initiating an inflammation response to the injury which first contains the injury and then starts the tissue repair process. During the tissue repair phase there is a proliferation of cells from the adjoining areas to the injured area and the wound is closed with the formation of collagen and elastin fibres. Collagen and Elastin are proteins which are the basic building blocks of all tissue, skin, bones, etc.

However as the skin and tissue heal, often the healed area becomes uneven and has a different texture and quality because of the nature of the injury. And hence we get what is called as scar tissue.

When a scar first develops on lighter skin, it’s usually pink or red. Over time, the pinkish colour fades, and the scar becomes slightly darker or lighter than the colour of the skin. In people with dark skin, scars often appear as dark spots.

The appearance of a scar depends on several factors such as:

– Injury or event that caused the scar, such as surgery, a burn or severe acne.

– Size, severity and location of the wound.

– Treatment you received for the wound, such as stitches or bandages.

– Your age, genes, ethnicity and overall health.

There are various types of scars based on their structure. These are:

Depressed (atrophic) Scars

Contracture Scars

Flat Scars

Keloidal Scars

Raised (Hypertrophic) Scars

In addition to topical medications, the below procedures may be useful to help you with treatment of scars:

1. Microneedling (Skin Resurfacing)

2.Chemical Peels

3. Microdermabrasion (Skin Polishing)

4. Vampire Facial (PRP Facial)

5. CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

The body’s inflammatory response to injury initiates the tissue repair process, leading to scar tissue formation.

Scar tissue is often uneven, with a different texture due to the nature of the injury and healing process.

Factors include the injury’s cause, size, location, wound treatment, and the individual’s age, genetics, and health.

Depressed scars are sunken, while raised scars are elevated above the skin surface.

The color change is part of the healing process where initially, scars may be red or pink and later fade or darken.

Yes, areas with more movement or tension, like joints, often experience more pronounced scarring.

Treatments like Microneedling, Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, and CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing are effective.

Yes, genes and ethnicity can affect how an individual scars and the scar’s appearance.

Keloidal scars extend beyond the injury site, with a raised, smooth top and pink or purple color.

Yes, prompt wound cleaning, proper bandaging, and avoiding sun exposure can minimize scarring.

Stretch marks are generally formed when skin expands or shrinks quickly. In this case the connective tissues under the skin can be damaged and also there are changes in the collagen and elastin fibres. Stretch marks generally present themselves like lines or striae, where the skin seems to have been ‘stretched’.

In their early stages of formation, stretch marks are reddish in appearance and as they mature and settle down, they tend to become whitish in appearance.

Stretch marks commonly develop during pregnancy, puberty or after gaining or losing a lot of weight. They can also be caused during certain conditions like cushing’s syndrome etc. They usually appear on the stomach, thighs, upper arms or back.

Stretch marks are best handled by procedures that remodel the collagen and elastin in the skin. The best way to do is to carry out a controlled injury of the skin using certain skin resurfacing techniques. When this controlled injury heals it causes two primary effects:

1. It activates the collagen and elastin formation process in the skin. Collagen and Elastin are the basic proteins which hold the skin cells together and are instrumental in the form the skin takes.

2. This process also leads to neo-vascularization, that is formation of new blood vessels, leading to a much better blood flow and hence healthier skin.

Because of the above two effects when the skin heals, there is a substantial improvement in its texture and in case of any abnormalities like scars and stretch marks the healed skin starts resembling the adjoining area rather than have a different texture or structure.

Stretch Marks are best resolved using procedures which help in collagen and elastin remodelling. these include:

1. Microneedling (Skin Resurfacing)

2. CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

3. PRP Treatment with Microneedling

Rapid skin stretching or contraction, leading to damaged connective tissues and altered collagen and elastin fibers.

Initially, the marks are red or pink due to active inflammation, but fade to white or silver as they mature.

It’s challenging to prevent stretch marks completely, but maintaining a healthy weight and moisturizing can help.

The rapid skin expansion in pregnancy, especially on the abdomen, often leads to stretch mark formation.

Collagen and elastin are proteins that maintain skin elasticity. Their alteration leads to the formation of stretch marks.

These areas are prone to rapid expansion or contraction, making them susceptible to stretch mark formation.

Microneedling promotes collagen and elastin remodeling by creating controlled skin injury, improving skin texture.

Some creams containing retinoids may help to some extent by promoting collagen production, but results vary.

This treatment creates tiny “microthermal” zones to stimulate collagen production and skin regeneration.

Yes, maintaining a healthy weight can prevent rapid skin stretching, thus reducing the risk of stretch mark formation.

Why Trust Dr. Sejal & InUrSkn

Dr. Sejal Saheta

MD, DNB - Dermatology & Venereology

Dr. Sejal has dual degrees of MD and DNB in Dermatology and Venereology. She has worked with some of the senior most doctors in the largest government and private hospitals for more than 15 years. Over these years at InUrSKn, she has treated thousands of patients for a variety of conditions and needs across dermatology, venereology, cosmetology and trichology domains.

Dr. Sejal believes in a minimum intervention approach to health and believes that educating and empowering the patient is the key to good health.

Every patient at InUrSkn is seen personally by Dr. Sejal without any time limit, where she discusses the patient’s concern in detail along with understanding the history of their health and carrying out a personal examination.

Dr. Sejal Carrying out a treatment

Treatment of concerns relating to texture and elasticity of skin requires an intimate understanding of the functioning of skin as well as the latest treatments available to improve the health of the skin.

Dr. Sejal’s approach to any form of skin rejuvenation includes the following:

1. Identification of the root cause of the issue based on patient history and in person examination of the condition of the skin.

2. Helping patients establish simple at home skin care routines that address their specific concerns.

3. Prescribing any oral or topical medications that may be needed.

4. Advising the right combination of skin care procedures that can help patients achieve the skin health they desire.

2018 - Ongoing

Chief Medical Officer InUrSkn – Skin & Hair Clinic

2016 - 2018

Dermato-Cosmetologist Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital

2012 - 2015

Senior Dermatologist Dr. Marwah’s Skin and Laser Clinic

2011 - 2012

Dermatologist Dr. Mukadam’s Laser Cure Centre

2008 - 2011

Resident Doctor (Dermatology & Venereology) Rajwadi Government Hospital

  • 2018 - Ongoing
  • 2016 - 2018
  • 2012 - 2015
  • 2011 - 2012
  • 2008 - 2011
That Can help
Medical Peels (Chemical Peels)

The idea behind skin peeling is to carry out a controlled injury to the skin such that when the skin heals, it becomes a lot more supple and clear. This process of controlled injury to the skin by use of medical solutions is called skin peeling and the solutions themselves are called Chemical or Medical Peels.

Vampire Facial (PRP Facial)

PRP treatment uses platelet-rich plasma, which is taken from your own blood in order to produce results. Dermatologists use different names for this procedure like Vampire Facial, Blood Facial, Sanguine Facial, PRP Facial and so on, but don’t let that scare you. Beyond the scary name lies a natural proven mechanism which is extremely effective.

Skin Polishing (Microdermabrasion)

Skin polishing or microdermabrasion is a procedure that involves removing superficial dead layers of the skin to reveal the underlying ‘fresh’ layer of skin and help stimulate fresh cell growth. This is among the most popular, proven and tested procedures.

Iontophoresis (Ionization)

Iontophoresis Therapy (often referred to as ionization) is a procedure which involves delivery of medication, serum or peel into the deeper layers of skin by means of stimulating the skin with low intensity galvanic current.

Skin Resurfacing – Microneedling

Skin Resurfacing or Micro Needling is a process in which controlled micro-wounds are created on the skin. These micro wounds tend to help in boosting the process of collagen and elastin synthesis in the skin leading to a smooth and supple skin.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin resurfacing is the process in which an ablative laser is used for the purpose of improving the texture of your skin. At InUrSkn we use the gold standard of ablative lasers for this purpose, namely CO2 Laser. Dr. Sejal expertly uses this laser with fine controls in a fractionated mode to help patients with a variety of conditions like scars, stretch marks, open pores and so on.

Oxygen Facial

An Oxygen facial (also called CO2 facial) works towards improving the metabolism of skin cells and increasing the collagen levels in your skin by a phenomenon called Bohr’s effect. This is the phenomenon in which by generating CO2 on the outer layer of skin, there is an increase in the O2 levels in the deeper layers of the skin. The increase in oxygen improves cell growth and cell biosynthesis leading to a better, younger looking skin.


A hydrafacial is an extensive all in one facial which uses a variety of techniques to achieve fresher, healthier and younger looking skin. The facial starts with techniques that cleanse and exfoliate and then moves on to revitalizing the skin with hydrating and brightening serums. This is then followed by steps which help in activation of collagen generation and tightening the skin. The final steps aim at soothing the skin while locking the serums in the deeper layers of the skin.

HA Injectable Treatment

The occurrence of Hyaluronic Acid in deeper layers of our skin is the reason why our skin remains taut, supple and fresh. But with ageing and other lifestyle choices there is a reduction in the HA levels in the skin.

To help restore the HA levels, a Hyaluronic product called Volite is injected into the middle layers of the skin. This helps hydrate the skin from within, improves the elasticity of the skin and promotes collagen synthesis.

Meso Skin Therapy

Mesotherapy is the mechanism by which a serum consisting of growth factor proteins is delivered into the middle layers (mesoderm) of the skin using either injections or ionization.

These growth factors help towards resolving issues like lower cellular metabolism or poor blood circulation and hence help in overall improvement of skin quality.

Scar Treatment with Fillers & Threads

Dermal Fillers and Medical Threads are generally used for helping reduce signs of ageing like wrinkles, sagging skin and volume loss. But because of their property of being able to help stimulate collagen and elastin, they are also used as effective treatments for depressed scars like boxcar scars and rolling scars.

Medical Facials

A medical facial is generally a combination of skin rejuvenation procedures designed to suit your skin type and also to help you achieve your skin health goals.

The procedure involved in these customer medical facials are all medically proven to be safe and effective and are all done under the supervision of a qualified dermatologist.

Microneedling Radio Frequency (MNRF)

Microneedling Radio Frequency, also known as RF microneedling or Morpheus8, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure used to rejuvenate the skin. This treatment involves the use of a device that delivers radio frequency energy through tiny needles that puncture the skin, creating microchannels. The process helps to promote collagen production, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin.

Plasma Fibroblast

Plasma fibroblast is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedure that helps to lift, tighten, and regenerate skin. At InUrSkn, we use state-of-the-art plasma fibroblast technology that creates microtrauma to the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This treatment helps to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, scarring, and pigmentation.

HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound)

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive technique that targets deep skin layers and SMAS tissue with ultrasound waves. It creates controlled damage by heating skin cells, stimulating the body’s repair process. This leads to increased collagen and elastin production, enhancing skin elasticity and structure. The outcome is a natural lift and tightening of the skin.

  1. 1 Medical Peels (Chemical Peels)
  2. 2 Vampire Facial (PRP Facial)
  3. 3 Skin Polishing (Microdermabrasion)
  4. 4 Iontophoresis (Ionization)
  5. 5 Skin Resurfacing – Microneedling
  6. 6 Laser Skin Resurfacing
  7. 7 Oxygen Facial
  8. 8 Hydrafacial
  9. 9 HA Injectable Treatment
  10. 10 Meso Skin Therapy
  11. 11 Scar Treatment with Fillers & Threads
  12. 12 Medical Facials
  13. 13 Microneedling Radio Frequency (MNRF)
  14. 14 Plasma Fibroblast
  15. 15 HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound)
Why Choose
InUrSkn with
Dr. Sejal Saheta

Multiple spacious procedure rooms

Full-fledged operation theatre

In-house laboratory

Latest technology

100+ Skin, Hair & Body Procedures offered

Frequent disinfection of all clinic spaces with UVC light and WHO-approved chemicals

Large waiting and treatment areas to ensure social distancing

Regular health checks for all patients and staff

Safer than salons, chain-clinics & hospitals

PPEs for patients and staff

Personal attention from Dr. Sejal Saheta (MD, DNB) - with 15+ years of experience

CIDESCO-certified aestheticians with minimum 3 years work experience

500+ Positive Reviews on Practo and Google

5000+ Patients treated last year alone

8000+ Procedures completed

In Clinic Consultation with Dr. Sejal
In Clinic Consultation with Dr. Sejal ₹1100
Online Consultation with Dr. Sejal
Online Consultation with Dr. Sejal ₹900
Chemical Peel - 2 Session Package - Full Body
Chemical Peel - 2 Session Package - Full Body ₹34000
PRP with Microneedling for Face - Package of 4 Sessions
PRP with Microneedling for Face - Package of 4 Sessions ₹19000
Full Body Skin Polishing - Package of 2 Sessions
Full Body Skin Polishing - Package of 2 Sessions ₹32500
Full Body Ionization - Package of 2 Sessions
Full Body Ionization - Package of 2 Sessions ₹34000
Microneedling - Package of 4 Sessions
Microneedling - Package of 4 Sessions ₹11500
Oxygen Facial - Package of 4 Sessions
Oxygen Facial - Package of 4 Sessions ₹13500
Hydrafacial - Package of 4 Sessions
Hydrafacial - Package of 4 Sessions ₹17000
HA Injectable Procedure - Per Syringe
HA Injectable Procedure - Per Syringe ₹18000
Meso Ionization for Face - Package of 4 Sessions
Meso Ionization for Face - Package of 4 Sessions ₹9600
Threads for Extensive Scarring
Threads for Extensive Scarring ₹20500
Detanning Facial / Anti-Tan Facial
Detanning Facial / Anti-Tan Facial ₹7000
MNRF - Microneedling Radio Frequency - Package of 4 Sessions
MNRF - Microneedling Radio Frequency - Package of 4 Sessions ₹23000
Plasma Fibroblast - Large Area - Single Session
Plasma Fibroblast - Large Area - Single Session ₹17700
HIFU treatment for face & neck - single session
HIFU treatment for face & neck - single session ₹23000

Pricing (Inclusive of taxes)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Various factors like aging, sun exposure, pollution, lifestyle choices (smoking, diet, etc.), and genetics play a role in skin texture and elasticity.

Dehydration can make the skin look more dry and rough. A lack of moisture can also highlight fine lines and wrinkles.

Collagen provides structure while elastin allows the skin to return to its original shape, maintaining smoothness and firmness.

Regular moisturizing, exfoliation, sun protection, a balanced diet, and staying hydrated can help maintain and improve skin texture and elasticity.

Yes, treatments like laser therapy, microneedling, chemical peels, and dermal fillers can help improve skin texture and elasticity.

UV radiation can break down collagen and elastin fibers, leading to prematurely aged, sagged, and wrinkled skin.

Yes, topical antioxidants can combat free radical damage, promote collagen production, and improve overall skin texture and elasticity.

Retinoids promote collagen production and cell turnover, which can improve skin elasticity and texture.

Yes, regular exercise can enhance blood circulation, promoting a healthy complexion and potentially improving skin elasticity.

Smoking accelerates the natural aging process by reducing blood flow and collagen production, leading to poorer skin texture and elasticity.

A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support skin health, texture, and elasticity.

Alcohol can dehydrate the skin, potentially leading to a rough texture and an increase in wrinkles and fine lines.

Yes, hormonal changes, especially during menopause or pregnancy, can affect skin texture and elasticity.

Changes can be identified by increased dryness, dullness, fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and the appearance of enlarged pores or rough texture.

While some changes are inevitable due to aging, professional treatments and a good skincare routine can significantly improve skin texture and elasticity.

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