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September 2024

IUS Blog – Skincare in 40s

By - Dr. Sejal Saheta
40s can be the new 20s - Your Guide to skin care in 40s

As our 40s set in, a lot of us are set into routines in our careers and at our homes. Some of us have made healthy lifestyle choices in our 30s while some are making resolutions to do so in the coming 40s. I believe irrespective of our situations and our choices below is some advice that goes a long way to keep you looking young and perky.

But, Before You Think 40s Skin Care… Have You Considered The Below:

  1. Are you making the right lifestyle choices, including but not limited to subjects like hydration, nutrition, exercise, sleep and vices?
  2. Are you following the basic skin care tips that every person should follow right form 20s? (Hint: These include.. cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection.)
  3. Are you using some basic skin care products that help nourish you skin?

If you answer to any of these is NO, then I sincerely think that you should first read this article I had written about skin care in 30s here.

I Do All Of That, But I Still Feel I Am Looking Older Day By Day! What Do I Do?

A lot of women I know do not follow a good night routine, which can go a long way in staving off the years from your skin:

  1. Cleanse your face to remove all makeup, oil and dirt.
  2. Apply retinol-based creams. These help in reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
  3. Apply vitamin C-based serums. Make sure to use a highly stabilized form of vitamin C. These help with reducing spots and brightening the skin.
  4. Apply creams containing kojic acid as they help in reducing the pigmentation.
  5. Use a hyaluronic-based moisturizer.
  6. Apply under-eye cream to reduce pigmentation and fine lines. This area needs special attention because aging signs are prominently visible here.

It’s Time For Some External Help Too!

If you are following this skin care routine and believe your skin still needs a bit more help. I typically help my patients develop a line of treatment which includes some basic skin rejuvenation procedures like: Laser Skin Rejuvenation, Peels, Skin Polishing, Ionization and so on. These of course are based on individual needs which can vary from pigmentation, to rough texture to dry skin etc.

And Then Some !

The above mentioned procedures work very well to stave off ageing related concerns, however by the time most of us reach 40s we have years of neglect on our back which requires more aggressive and directed treatments. Below are some of the treatments that I suggest which are extremely effective in already formed wrinkles and lines:


It is an injectable procedure which relaxes muscles, thereby reducing fine wrinkles. It helps with:

  1. a) Crows feet
  2. b) Frown lines
  3. c) Forehead lines
  4. d) Bunny lines around nose

Dermal Fillers

  1. a) These are hyaluronic-acid-based injections that work well for:
  2. b) Laugh lines
  3. c) Enhancing cheek volume
  4. d) Hydrating skin that is overly dry all year long
  5. e) Facial contouring
  6. f) Skin lift

C) Hifu Therapy

High Frequency Ultrasound (HIFU therapy employs ultrasound waves on ageing skin. This stimulates collagen production, increases skin elasticity and lifts the skin up.

What Can I Expect From These Procedures?

These procedures vary in their efficacy based on the exact condition and the extent of the condition and hence a dermatologist needs to step to evaluate the exact options that will help you the best. While some of these procedures help for a particular period of time like BTX and Fillers, others like HIFU are incremental in nature. That is, as you get this procedure done more times the better you skin gets.

The bottom line is, a good skin care routine with healthy lifestyle choices and modern medical procedures will ensure that the shadow of time will never be cast on your skin.


Built on more than a decade of experience of Dr. Sejal Saheta, we are an honest and affordable skin and hair care clinic in Mumbai. Our goal is to make each patient comfortable and happy with their appearance with the least amount of intervention.

Our qualified and trained doctors, equipped with the latest technology, conduct and supervise all procedures in strict adherence to protocols developed by Dr. Sejal.

We are happy to be a part of your journey to reach your health goals. If you think we have been able to help you, please do review us:

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This article is one in a series of articles on skin conditions by Dr. Sejal Saheta – MD, DNB -Dermatology and Venereology. The objective of this series is to educate the reader and help them take precautions against various skin conditions they come across on an everyday basis. These articles are not meant to be used by patients for self-diagnosis or for avoiding proper medical treatment. The images used in the above blog are only for visual representation purposes. Actual results may vary from patient to patient.

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