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June 2024

Seasonal Skin Care Tips for Children

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Table of Contents :

If you want to protect your child’s skin in every season the importance of moisturizing can never be stressed enough. It simply does not matter what season it is – their skin has to be moisturized. During the winter you can go for thick and cream-based moisturizers to fight the dryness that can be caused by indoor heating. During the summer and the monsoon, you should choose a fragrance-free and gentle hydrating mist or lighter lotion as suggested by your paediatric dermatologist in Mumbai. These products would make sure that your child does not sweat too much and not yet clog the pores. Make sure that these moisturizers do not have any fragrance and are gentle on your child’s skin as otherwise it will be irritated.

Sun protection

This is something that a paediatric skin specialist in Mumbai will suggest as well. Your child’s skin is delicate so there cannot be any question that it needs to be shielded from the harsh rays of the Sun. Sunscreen is supposed to be the most important part of the skincare routine of your child no matter what season it happens to be. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF (sun protection force) of 30 – this has to be done even on cloudy days. You should also encourage your child to wear hats, lightweight clothes with long sleeves for extra protection, and sunglasses. Make sure that they stay in the shade when it is the hottest outside with the Sun at its peak.


If you are internally hydrated it will reflect on your skin health as well. So make sure that your child is drinking the amount of water that they ideally should throughout the day. This is especially so during the summers when they are more vulnerable to sweating. You can also include vegetables and fruits in your child’s diet as that would go a long way in maintaining their hydration levels, moisturizing their skin, and maintaining overall skin health.


Make sure your child bathes in lukewarm water rather than hot water as otherwise their bodies will be stripped of their natural oils. You can also use mild cleansers, without any fragrance, that are designed especially for the sensitive skin that children have. Make sure that their bath time is limited as otherwise, their skin will be drier than it should be. This is especially so during the winter when hot baths tempt people but end up dehydrating them.

Transition seasons

Apart from definite seasons, the transitional periods between these seasons can also be challenging for your child. At these times, pay greater attention to their skin condition and notice if there are any changes. Adjust their skincare routine by the needs they have during these times. This could mean providing them with more protection and/or hydration as is necessary. During autumn when it starts getting cooler, make sure that your child’s skin is sufficiently moisturized. During springs reinforce sun protection so that you can prepare them for the extra outdoor activities that they will be partaking in.


Make sure to get your child checked by a leading paediatric dermatologist in Mumbai so that all the issues can be addressed as early as possible. Also, establish a definite routine in this particular regard as it will help with their skincare no matter what season it is. Tailor this to the needs of your child to make sure that they are getting the care that they need to have healthy skin. You can also make the process enjoyable by getting them involved in the process and encouraging them to apply sunscreen or moisturizer by themselves. Disclaimer : This article is one in a series of articles on skin, hair and overall health by content creators for Inurskn. The objective of this series is to educate the reader and help them take precautions against various skin conditions they come across on an everyday basis. These articles are not meant to be used by patients for self-diagnosis or for avoiding proper medical treatment. The images used in the above blogs are just for the visual representation of the treatment results may vary from patient to patient. Please always refer to a trained medical professional before engaging in any advice treatment or medications.


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